There are tons of info both good and bad for boosting your site on Google’s rankings. Some of the legit things that will improve your SEO have nothing to do with how many links you have to your site, or the relevancy of your content. One thing you can do right now make your whole website secure with an SSL certificate. (This is when you hit a website and you see the lock in the upper corner of the browser.)


It’s as Easy as 1, 2, …and that’s it!

1. Simply purchase a certificate from a provider such as Network Solutions, Verisgn or even GoDaddy (They’re great for SSL certificates). OR have your web host do it for you.

2. Have your web host install it and ensure your site is HTTPS compliant.


Google have made it very public that they want sites to have secure certificates.

Here they explain the importance of how it affects your rankings.

Here is an in-depth video from the developers at Google discussing the initiative:

Getting SSL installed on your site is easy, and doing that alone will give you a bump in rankings. One more quick and easy advantage to crushing your competition.

If you need help, contact me at or call me at 410-861-6888.